The essentials
By now, you probably have all the essentials in place – traveling tickets if you come from out of town, and hotel. If not, it's probably a good idea to get this fixed.
Your talk
Your talk is listed in the program. It is a good idea to find out when you are up already now. You might also want to read through the info listed to ensure that everything is correct.
Your slides
You never know what might happen, so it is always a good idea to keep a backup of your talk somewhere else than your computer – memory stick, Dropbox or something similiar.
Guided tour
Never been to JavaZone, or just curious to see the venue? We will have a guided tour for speakers at Tuesday September 8th, 18:00. Meet us at the main entrance
Speakers dinner
This years speakers dinner will be held at Smelteverket, Mathallen Tuesday September 8th, starting at 19:00. We will provide transport from Oslo Spektrum to Smelteverket after the guided tour ends at around 18:45. If you don't want to attend the guided tour, it is perfectly possible to show up at Smelteverket at 19:00 or later.